Hello. My name is Henrietta Hoopenhollar and I am addicted to food.
That's how I feel like I should start this blog post after my lame-o commitment to healthy eating. Actually, my scale tells me my self-restraint has paid 5 lbs in dividends--which puts me at the same weight as when I got married. However, I think my scale is simply error-prone because I've blown off my non-diet for the last 10 days. Truly, I 've been naughty. You don't even want to know how many snickerdoodles I've eaten in the last 2 days --and yes, Megan, I hold you personally responsible for giving me your delicious recipe when I asked you for it! :)
But instead of giving food any more blog space, I guess facebook is going well. I've been enjoying the reconnections, and one of them, (Hi Mami Jo!) has tagged me from her blog. I have never, ever responded to tags, but this time I think I will.
8 Things I did Yesterday:
1. gave my younger kids an emergency bath
2. drove my older daughter to school when she missed the bus, because she was reading instead of getting ready for school, while I was giving the younger kids a bath
3. didn't get mad at my daughter, but later we discussed some logical consequences
4. went to playgroup
5. sewed and otherwise problem-solved through my mending pile
6. prepared letters to Pres. Barack Obama for the
LIFE Envelope Project (formerly the Red Envelope Project), to affirm the Right to Life
7. sighed with disappointment when the Vermont legislature affirmed the court decision and legalized same-sex marriage--right on the tail of Iowa--Ouch!
8. laughed through Bryan Kest's power yoga with my sister. My legs and shoulders still feel it though so it must have been successful. Namasdai everybody!
8 Favorite TV Shows:
Easy. I don't watch TV. Don't even own one. And everytime we stay with people who do watch TV, we easily recommit to no TV. But I have my own
3 Favorite Time Wasters (I was supposed to do 8, but I guess I lack diversity at how I waste my time):
1. Spending time on the internet
2. Wasteful reading
3. Trying to guess who will receive the new callings with the ward boundary changes. I'm hopelessly bad. Like the time I KNEW who was going to be the new primary president. I was so confident I even told my sister. Imagine my surprise when on Sunday they asked my sister to stand as the new primary president!
8 Wishes (+ 2 to grow an inch):
1. That people wouldn't litter
2. That people wouldn't drive drunk
3. That I could have guarantees that my children will turn out great
4. That my children wouldn't get their worst behaviors from their mother
5. That I had more self-mastery
6. That I could live somewhere that stays between 60-85 degrees, and is sunny 300 days a year, but still green
7. That if I can't get perfect weather, then could I at least have a great big Southern-facing window?
8. That I could stay grounded in faith and activism, while laughing way more often, not taking myself too seriously, and living more spontaneously.
9. That I could write a novel. I tried once, but before I got through the first page my main character told me that my dialogue sucked. A harsh term, but it was true.
My true fantasy wish??? That I was flying at top speed in my new blue BMW Z4 convertible, zipping around the curves of Provo Canyon, looking a whole lot like Audrey Hepburn with my hair up, sunglasses on, and driving gloves. There you go guys. That is truly, honestly me.