Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mustache Monday

So, T was in North Carolina for 7 days with some of his buddies from work. Besides the fact that we at home survived thanks only to the help of my sister--what with a trip to Urgent Care and whatnot--the most memorable feature of this trip was the souvenier my husband brought home with him.
Facial Hair.

All of T's workfriends decided not to shave while they were gone, so that they could all show up at work together for Mustache Monday. This is definitely a new look for T. I can go for a little scruff, and I guess it added a little excitement to our welcome home smootcheroo session since I had to try to kiss him without getting whiskerburn.

So Monday morning came, and all the scruff came off except for the Mexican mustache. I meant to get a picture of that, but unfortunately I had some kind of 24-hour killer bug, so I was out for the count. Actually, one of T's workfriends suggested that I had gotten the swine flu from T's Mexican mustache. Maybe. The mustache looked pretty lethal.

As T & I discussed our different hair situations, I was lamenting to him that Couscous had recently said, "Wow, mommy! You have such pretty sparkly silver highlights!"

He held up our resident scalped doll lying around

and said, "It sure beats the alternative."


Anne Marie said...

Love the "welcome home smootcheroo session" phrase! LOL! Whenever Jared and I are apart for several days, I am always amazed at how handsome he looks when he walks in. Laughin' about the Mexican mustache. Jared cannot grow facial hair to save his life. He's gone without shaving for a few days before, and his hair just grows in these odd little patches. Jared's dad, on the other hand, could seriously grow a mean beard if he wanted to. Jared's offered to pay him a few hundred dollars to grow a goatee...Jared's dad hasn't taken him up on the offer.

JSLindgren said...

Love the barbie visual. Jeff has tried the facial hair. It's too blond and I HATE whisker burn.

Kathleen said...

I didn't know snakes (Boa constrictor) had hair! HA HA!! Nice - it looks a little gray?! I bet you'd look great w/a goatie!