Monday, August 10, 2009

Our New Pet, Wally

We have a new pet in our household! Don't tell our landlord, because that is strictly not okay with him. But considering Wally would live here, regardless, I figure we can skip the permission. It's kind of an accident that he ended up as our pet. It seems that when we neglected to clean our basement playroom for awhile, he found his way into a toy bin. The first time each of the girls saw him, he sent them running upstairs in fits of screaming, refusing to return to the basement until he was gone. I saw him downstairs, but I find him particularly disgusting, so I decided to just ignore him and he'd get himself free--or killed. 4 days later, he's still there. I guess that the inside of the bin is slippery enough that he can't get out, and that he's resiliant enough to not need food. Imagine my surprise when I got home from church yesterday, to hear my kids talk about their pet and wanting to do a search to see what kind of food he needs to survive. The first thing this morning, my kids wanted to go say "good morning" to Wally, and I saw that they have now decorated his bin with a toilet paper house and other play items for him. Anyway, I thought you might want to see Wally:
This really brings to mind that quote

Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.



Megan said...

Yuck! We have had those in our house too. They are disgusting...but much love to your Wally. Don't bring him over for a visit, I'd kill him in a heart beat!

Marci said...

Yowsers!!! I think I killed one of those last month. I'll have to search for the pic I took before doing the beheading to compare.

AnnaMarie said...

What is that? That is completely disgusting. I thought it was going to be a rat. Oh gross.

Anne Marie said...

Ewwww! What is he? Glad you're back to post. Hope you've had a nice summer. My posting has slowed down this summer too.

sarah said...

ewww, I'm glad Wally isn't my pet. I've met a few Wallys before, they end up squished rather quickly!

B said...

Wow! What a creature! Is that a centipede? How true that is about the familiar monster becoming the pet or friend!

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that they want to research what it eats.

Valerie said...

That is so amazingly creepy that I'm sure I'll have nightmares about it tonight! Ewww!

I just happened upon your blog, but wanted to say thanks!! for your link to Grooveshark. I've never heard of it and it's great.