Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

We had the best 4th of July! Of course the kids had to decorate their scooters and participate in the children's portion of the community parade. Then we went to our neighbor's house for a BBQ. They are so cute--I've really been enjoying getting to know her better lately. When she invited me, she gave me a caveat that her husband's family would be there and that they would probably drink beer or two each. I told her that was no big deal. We've hung out with people who drink before. But she was so worried about not making us uncomfortable. In fact, at the BBQ no one drank. Then before dinner, her husband asked if we would feel uncomfortable if they prayed. I laughed and said, "Of course not! We'd feel more uncomfortable if you didn't pray. We always pray before we eat." And he offered a wonderfully sincere prayer. Wasn't that thoughtful of them though? That's just the way they are. So thoughtful and funny and spiritual too. I love my talks with them. I love the great people I've met here! Then add on the Wii and the was a great holiday! I'm so grateful for our freedoms, and most of all, religious freedom!

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