As I write this, official results have not been released, but I am feeling "cautiously optimistic" about the passage of Prop 8. I've been thinking alot about the people in California who have been standing on corners, donating money, and enduring personal attacks in order to "stand for truth and righteousness." At playgroup yesterday we were wondering if we could do that if we were asked, regardless of the outcome, and here are the thoughts that have come to my mind since.
1. If we ever consecrate our time, talents, money, or any other God-given gift in order to defend His truth, we will be blessed personally, regardless of the immediate external outcome.
2. There may come a time when the difference between winning and losing a stand for truth is determined by whether we are willing to give all, or whether we held back a little. (I wish I would have thought about that before I decided to donate less than I could have to this cause.)
3. I would rather be on the side of righteousness, losing a temporary battle, than on the side of wrong winning a temporary gain.
4. When Christ comes again he talks about dividing the "goats and sheep" and "wheat and tares." I don't remember reading the part about any sidelining spectators. There will come to each of a us a time when we will have to make a choice of where we will stand.
5. I need to be very careful to remember the fight is to sustain truth and righteousness. It is not a fight against people. If I take personally the tactics of those who are confused and oppose truth and righteousness, than I am allowing myself into an emotional place where I am tempted to villify and feel negatively towards people. That is just as surely a victory for Satan as is passivity towards the cause of truth. It is a very narrow path. But the two great commandments are to love God (ie. loyal to Him and His way) and love our neighbor (regardless of their behavior).
6. I will make a stand to defend God's truth. I find the truth about families in the Scriptures, in the Proclamation to the World, and in the words of modern prophets and apostles. Of course I've already gone through the effort of establishing my own testimony. That testimony gives me faith to listen and learn. "Now we have a world where people are confused, if you don't believe me, go and watch the news." My life experience has taught me that when I follow the word of God, even if I don't understand why, I will always live to be grateful. My same life experience has taught me that every time I disobey the Lord, I always live to regret it. No exceptions.
7. In reading the scriptures I have realized that it is not unusual for people to be mocked, derided, persecuted (even killed) for speaking and defending the truth. What is unique is the experiences most of us in the USA have had in our lives of being able to speak and worship freely. Californians possibly feel that those freedoms are waning. If we do see the day when we are persecuted on a broad scale for standing for truth and righteousness, we shouldn't be too surprised.
"The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."
Thank you California Heroes for setting a great example and choosing the right, regardless of the consequences!!
Choose Your Love, Love Your Choice
7 years ago
What a fantastic post, and what a great example you are!! Whenever I hear "The standard of truth has been erected...." my mind always goes back to Merthyr and marching down the lane chanting it!! You're awesome!
Good work, Miss Heather! Sometimes I wish that a "spectator" is a suitable option, but you are right. Thanks for your thoughts on all of this.
Amen to that. Thanks for all your good points.
I haven't heard much contemplating since the election(s?) ended. You have to be stewing over something! Share! I miss your thoughts. I was getting accustomed to making them a part of my own!
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