Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bloody Mess

Congratulations to Avandra, who has gone from looking like this:

To looking like this:

And kudos to T, who was able to stay there coaching ("Twist, push, Did you hear it pop? Wow! It's sticking straight out when you do that! Can you taste the blood?") while I ran, hid, closed my eyes, and covered my ears. Yuck! And how many times do I have to go through this again? Thank goodness for T!! And Avandra is SO proud of herself, since she's one of the latest kids to start losing teeth. So Hooray!


Anne Marie said...

Jared is definitely the one who pulls out the teeth in our family too. I really can't handle the blood. Cute, cute kiddos. Love the story about decorating the wrong car. Hilarious. And congrats on the water skiing success!

heidi and tom said...

Sounds like a really fun August! Sorry we missed you! Your children are BEAUTIFUL!

Deb said...

I think with rare exceptions, teeth adventures belong to all Dad. My dad pulled my teeth and R. has been in charge of all our kid's teeth. I'm with you; ears covered, humming, eyes closed in another room, waiting for the happy results. Tooth fairy is my department.