Sunday, September 14, 2008

August Rush

At the recommendation of Carrie, T & I rented "August Rush" last night. I loved it so much. It's definitely an addition to my "Mostly Clean Movies that Don't Insult My Intelligence" list. Yes, my analytical side obviously doesn't agree with some choices that were made, or know how the next 30 minutes of the story would continue post-movie, but overall I found it so beautiful and enjoyable--the music especially. I hadn't heard of the movie before--was I just out of the loop or did it sneak in and out of the theaters?


Anne Marie said...

The boy in that movie is an incredible actor.

H. said...

Yeah, he is good. And I guess I'm just so sentimental...but I only like some types of sentimental. I can't figure myself out.

Anonymous said...

I was rather disappointed w/the Robin Williams 'character/role'in the movie - if that makes any sense.. that just ruined the whole movie for me.. I did however love the music (as I usually do) so it wasn't a total loss..