Oh, wait, this ain't...er...isn't my ol' grandmammy. This is my very young and vibrant Gram Carol. Hello there, Grandma! I'm pretty sure you can consider this the send-off for your future modeling career.
I was fortunate enough to go down to Arizona some weeks ago to introduce this beautiful creature to her newest great-grandson, K. I thought it was a great excuse, ahem, reason to leave this here January northern climate for some desert sun. It was just him and me while the lovely daughters stayed home for some quality Daddy-Daughter time. Funny, I called them one day as I was about ready to go swimming outdoors and they were about ready to go build snowmen. Funny.
Well, Gram and Ernie showed us a wonderful weekend. Spoiled us rotten really. We had some spectacular pizza, experienced prickley pear ice cream, heard a super harmonica band, went on lots and lots of walks, worshiped the sun, had great philosophical discussions, and I got to enjoy watching the happy couple. Aren't they so cute?
I'm telling you, it's not too bad down south. If you ever get a chance to consider Texas, give us a call. We'll tell you about the affordable housing, the 65 degree Christmases...we might skip over the fact that it is hot 6 months of the year (but if you like swimming, it's not too bad). Cute pic of your grandparents and you.
I'm certainly voting for the Arizona picture! How fun! ps sorry I missed the election poll.
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