On Sunday I had a bit of luck. I have often thought what a bummer it is that we can't be at our own funerals to hear all the wonderful words of kindness people were thinking while we were alive. Now I know what it feels like and it really made me laugh!
I was asked to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday about the power and blessings of Primary (the Children's Program at Church). I was serving in that area until recently, so I guess it was time to share my "words of wisdom" of what I've learned. What I really learned is in the sidebar if you want to check it out, but it didn't seem too appropriate for church, so I came up with something else to share over the pulpit.
I introduced my talk by saying that I never liked babysitting, that I was pleasantly surprised to find maternal feelings when I gave birth, that I'm not patient, and no one's ever mistaken me for being "sweet", hence my surprise at being asked to serve in Primary. Well I don't think anyone got past that point of my talk. I didn't realize that when I said "sweet" (meaning, syrupy sticky, cutesy with children), other people heard "sweet" (meaning a nice person).
I first recognized my gaffe when an older couple came up to T & I and said, "You are two of the sweetest parents I've ever seen. We just love watching you with your kids." I kept waching Avandra, just waiting for her to jump in and clarify THAT misconception. She must not have been listening because she didn't say anything. A little embarrassed, I walked my kids to their classes. Then a young mother came up to me with tears in her eyes and a big hug, "I can't believe you don't think you are sweet! I think you are one of the sweetest people I know!" Now I was really embarrassed --completely cognizant that most of my fellow church-goers were convinced I have no self-esteem whatsoever!
Although two people made comments that showed they understood my meaning of "sweet", I also got accused (in a friendly sort of way) of lying over the pulpit. And remember I said that no one had ever mistaken me for being sweet? (T told me later that people must have taken that on as a personal challenge.) I think the funniest response was when a kind-hearted man said, "H, I just want you to know that you are often mistaken for being sweet." And then realizing his statement had come out completely wrong, he added, "You are a favorite among our family."
So thank you all for your kind thoughts. I feel very, very loved. And to clear the misunderstanding, I feel pretty fine about myself so don't you worry. I just don't want to hear at my funeral, "She was such a sweet girl, and she never even knew it."
P.S. And if you actually want a hint at what my talk was really on? The power is in the personal experience each child has as they come to Jesus (see 3 Nephi 11:14-15) and the blessing of primary is found in Isaiah 54:13-- "All they children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the PEACE of thy children."
Choose Your Love, Love Your Choice
7 years ago